IRC Knowledge Base
Facility Rental User Insurance
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Facility Rental User Insurance
Policy Categories
How to Guide
The ‘Association’ I belong to already has liability insurance coverage, but the certificate has been rejected as proof of insurance coverage?
Facility Rental User Insurance
Why do I need insurance?
What is Liability Insurance?
What is the insurance coverage that is provided under the Facility Rental User Insurance Program?
Does my homeowner’s insurance policy protect me?
I belong to an ‘Association’; do I already have liability insurance coverage?
What Insurance Limits am I insured for under the Facility User Program?
What is my deductible / self-insured retention under the Facility User Insurance Program?
Does the insurance coverage provide coverage for Vendors?
Does the coverage provided under the Facility User Program provide property coverage to our own or leased property?
Can I purchase additional coverage under the program for our own or leased property used for our event?
Does the coverage provided under this program provide payments for loss of wages or out-of-pocket medical expenses (Accident Protection) when someone is injured at my event?
Can I purchase additional coverage under the program for Accident coverage for those injured during or at my event when we are not negligent?
Can I purchase additional coverage from the insurance broker administering the facility user insurance program?
Does the policy cover spectators should they suffer an injury, or their property becomes damaged during my event?
Does the Facility User Insurance Program insure automobiles?
Can other “Additional Insureds” be added to the policy and provided on the certificate of insurance under this program?
Does this policy extend to other events or locations, besides the subject permit rental, outside of the municipality or main facility I am renting?
Can I purchase higher liability insurance limits through the Facility User Insurance Program?
If I require further information or have questions with regards to coverage, who do I contact?
Who should I ask to give me a full explanation of the coverage under this Facility User Insurance Policy?
What if the majority of the event is on Municipal permitted rental space and other parts of the event are in a different venue?
How long can I modify / refund a Policy?
Why is my quote so high?
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Policy Categories
What is the definition of a Vendor?
When should I select Multiple Vendor Event?
What should I select if I have both a gym and room rental?
What type of sporting event should I select?
What is my responsibility when I have a claim or incident that could lead to a claim?
What is considered an incident that should be reported?
What documentation must be filed when I have an incident that could lead to a claim?
When am I responsible for the $1,500 self-insured retention / deductible on a claim?
What if the cost of my defence and the legal award found by the courts is greater than the liability limit I had through the Facility User Program?
What happens if a volunteer, participant, or a spectator does not threaten to sue, but presents bills for medical expenses or damaged property caused at our event or activity?
What happens if a claim is not reported immediately or the 8 step process is not followed?
What happens if we refuse to cooperate with the Insurance Company because we do not agree with the way they are handling the claim?
See more
If I sell alcohol and someone is injured or causes any injury, am I covered?
What is a liquor licence in my province?
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